Los Palms


SA’s ‘desert jangle’ five-piece, Los Palms, are gearing up to play a huge set at the inaugural Notestock. Here, guitarist/vocalist Ant Candlish chats about their Spaghetti Western influence, label deals and new music

We’re stoked to have you playing Notestock! For those who haven’t seen a Los Palms set before, what are audiences in for?

We’re stoked to be part of it! After our shows, the name ‘Tarantino’ is brought up by folks all the damned time. I really dig the idea of combining film and art with our music, so if we can give an audience an experience through the memory of film, then that’s wild! If anyone reading this knows QT or Mary Ramos, hit us up!

Your music is known for its ‘desert jangle’ vibes. How does that influence your sound direction?

It grabbed me when I spent some time with my partner- in-crime in Almeria and Tabernas Desert in Spain, where they shot a heap of Spaghetti Westerns in the ’60s and ’70s. After that, I was excited to get back to Adelaide and get myself and guitarist Sam [Arthurson] into the studio. I have always [loved] Sergio Leone’s films and music. So, I wanted to create that dirty, janglin’, spine tinglin’, sweat on the brow, dead man’s boots thing with hints of ’60s and modern psychedelia.

You signed with Fuzz Club in 2022. Tell us more about what this means for you as a band.

You know in Kill Bill: Volume 2, when The Bride is buried underground and she punches her way out through the coffin? We are The Bride, the coffin is Adelaide, Fuzz Club is the Bride’s fist and the graveyard is the world. But now, we gotta kill Bill... We’re thrilled to have been picked up by such an incredible label – Fuzz Club are the bee’s knees of today’s psych, fuzz, shoegaze, jangle and blues genre.

What’s next for Los Palms?

We have a few shows to announce, but we try not to overplay in Adelaide. It’s good to make every show special. [It] also gives us the time to test out new material. Right now, we’re back in the studio, writing and recording our second record. But next, we wanna head overseas. So yeah, watch this space...

See Los Palms play alongside Beddy Rays, The Beefs, Molly Rocket, Druid Fluids and more at Notestock this November 4.

Alex Edwards

I’m Alex Edwards - a Squarespace web designer and the owner of Edwards Design. I make it easy for service-based businesses to get modern, user-friendly Squarespace websites that connect with their ideal clients so they can grow.


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