With their vintage-pop beat and ‘honey-and-gravel’ tones, Doctor DeSoto has been serenading Adelaide since 2013. Frontman Mikey Green spills the beans on the band’s new album and next show...

You’re hitting The Wheaty this December to give us a sneak peek at your next album! What can we expect?

Playing at The Wheaty is always a great chance to showcase our songs in hi-fidelity. Our last show there was to a full house of enthusiastic music lovers, so we’re expecting a big one for our final gig of 2023. But sorry, we don’t do Christmas carols.... 

Tell us more about how these songs came to life...

We’ve played together for a few years now – and frankly, we’re getting better and better at what we do. Is that a little arrogant? Maybe. But these songs have been tested live and honed nicely. I’m learning to pare lyrics and subject matter [down] to a focused idea. Something simple – sometimes the best songs are like that. Talking Heads had an album called More Songs about Buildings and Food. Ha, genius! I also love songs that sound like they are the ‘middle bit’ of a story – like a window into something. [It] leaves a little for the listener to be creative. 

You’ve said Doctor DeSoto has a ‘honey-and-gravel’ sound. How did you arrive at this conclusion?

I think we lifted that term from someone’s review of our show. But it feels about right. My voice and Dave’s guitar have a certain grittiness, a texture. But [we] give songs whatever we think they need. Sometimes, that means digging in with a snarly sound and punchy beat, but sometimes, that means giving the song some thoughtful space. We’re told they always end up sounding ‘Doctor DeSoto’. That’s a win. 

What’s the backstory of Doctor DeSoto?

When I left The Audreys, I had a pocketful of song ideas. I workshopped them with long-time collaborator (bassist) Mark Lockwood over a robust beer. Bravely, I then flicked them to two musicians whose work I really love, guitarist Dave Pagano and drummer Mel Horsman. We’d never been in the same room together, but when we finally met up, something clicked straight away. 

What’s next for Doctor DeSoto?

It’s been too long since our last album, and we’re itching to give these newer songs the golden touch of a producer/ engineer in 2024. Only question then is, in what format do you want it? LP record, CD or cassette... 

See Doctor DeSoto at The Wheaty this Sunday, December 10 at 4pm. This gig is free!


