In the Green Room: Wanderers


The Wanderers are again bringing their epic end-of-year party to the Lion Arts Factory. We chat to frontman Dusty Lee Stephensen about what to expect.

Image via @WANDERERSAU (Facebook)

You guys have had a massive year! Congrats. Tell us more about your end-of-year party.

It has been a big year! We usually do a December gig, but we thought we’d make it extra special this time and get some of our friends involved. It was a great opportunity to throw a bit of an indie music party for everyone.

What can punters expect?

Everybody will be all guns blazing. There are always a few extra ingredients in shows like this, so it’ll be an extra special set. We’ll go through our back catalogue, and it’s likely we’ll debut some new music from our next EP. There could be some jamming with artists too – you’ll have to wait and see.

You toured the US this year – but is there something special about playing to your home crowd?

Playing Adelaide is extra vibey. Our hometown shows are the only ones where we might have people in the room that saw our first-ever run of shows at the Grace Emily Hotel. The hometown crowd have been a part of the whole journey, so it means a lot and creates a different energy.

You’ve extended the invite to three SA bands too! How’d you pick who’d join you on stage?

Our instinct is to find bands that suit our music, but for this, we threw that idea out the window. SODA blew my mind when I first saw them during the recent Battle of the Bands competition, and Alright Psycho is so cool. King of Spain is an offshoot of the Wanderers family, so it feels like we’re bringing all corners of the scene together.


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