In the Green Room: The Hazys


The Hazys are injecting some fresh energy into the local scene with their heartfelt, groove-infused tracks. Here’s what to expect from their EP launch...

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Congrats on the release of your Honest Lie EP! What inspired this collection of tracks?

We’re super excited for everyone to hear what we’ve been cooking up! Honest Lie explores many styles and genres, which allows each song to capture an emotional attachment. These songs explore so many different topics, from politics to breakups and mental health.

You’re fresh in the Adelaide scene. What’s the band’s backstory?

We haven’t even known each other for that long! We met at the start of 2023, studying music at university together. Asher [Hammat] was the driving force initially, as he’d recorded an EP and wanted to put a band together for his launch. We continued playing gigs, the band organically became more collaborative, and we ended up as The Hazys. In a nutshell, we’re a group of people who genuinely care for each other and want to make music that connects with people.

You’re taking to The Queens on May 17. What should we expect from a live Hazys performance?

Expect high energy, lots of joy and chances to sing with us. We like to include a mix of genres in our shows, from heavier indie-rock to slower groove funk, and an occasional acoustic moment. We also like to swap instruments and vocalists within the band, which is a lot of fun!

What songs from the EP hit well with an audience?

We’ve been playing ‘Trampoline’ live for a while – that’s always a highlight, the crowd interaction is huge. There’s something quite deep within all of the lyrics. People resonate with them differently, so it’s great to see there’s a song for everyone on the EP!

See The Hazys at The Queens this May 17, supported by Satin Sun, Pash and Loopole. Tickets are available here.


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