Jayne Doe — ‘Butter’

The spirit of grunge music lives on through emerging quartet Jayne Doe. Getting their start jamming in a Magill granny flat, these local upstarts deliver something a little different in their latest release, ‘Butter’.
Unlike the grimy alt-rock stylings found throughout their 2023 debut EP Persona Non Grata, ‘Butter’ features an alluring pop melody with shimmering riffs and distorted vocals harkening back to the early ’90s Seattle scene. There’s still plenty of grunt to Jayne Doe. But the new pop sensibility of ‘Butter’ harnesses the band’s aggressive sound into a polished grungegaze jolt of frenetic energy.
Sounds like: Post-Bleach Nirvana.
By Tobias Handke
Sounds like: That burst of energy that gets you out of bed in the morning.