LOLA — ‘Love It And Leave It’
LOLA — ‘Love It and Leave It’

It’s hard to avoid LOLA’s raucous brand of hookladen punk rock. For most millennial fans of the genre, the true test of a good song is whether it belongs on the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater soundtrack and this four-piece could have slid effortlessly onto the generation-defining list of songs.
On ‘Love It And Leave It’, LOLA have packed blissful nostalgia, unrelenting energy and more hooks than a bait shop into three minutes of punchy pop-punk. Fun and blisteringly loud, the band’s immense sound is as catchy as it is infectious. Complemented by their endearingly casual performance style, it’s difficult to find anyone who won’t be hearing this track and telling their mates.
Sounds like: Saturday at the skate park.
Words by Tyler Jenke
Sounds like: That burst of energy that gets you out of bed in the morning.
A fresh, emotive track blending modern pop with nostalgic vibes. Discover the song's unique sound.