Coldwave — ‘Italia ’06’

Coldwave’s post-punk shoots for the moon, gets there and then decides it’s better suited to the hoary frost of a grey Cambridge evening. ‘Italia ’06’ – perhaps the band’s most shapeshifting offering yet – is built around a sedate riff that refuses to lock into place. The song’s melodic centre is always moving an inch past the proverbial fingertips. When we finally get our bearings, vocalist Harrison Evans refrains, “I push-pull doors / I pull-push doors”, and the ensuing whirlpool of horns and feedback leaves us in a similar state of fundamental indecisiveness. Coldwave’s portrait of limbo is about being stuck between two poles: coming and going, child and adult, becoming and unbecoming, all at the same time.
Sounds like: Tripping, stumbling, then catching your feet
By Jack Paech
Sounds like: That burst of energy that gets you out of bed in the morning.
A fresh, emotive track blending modern pop with nostalgic vibes. Discover the song's unique sound.
A soulful blend of haunting melodies and introspective lyrics that take listeners on an emotional journey.